Someone responds to something on Facebook or WhatsApp and we rush to correct it! We feel that urge to go there and tell them what is our position with more clarity. We feel like opposing wrong thoughts. I edit Wikipedia so when there is something wrong I see which is wrong in my eyes, I rush to correct it. Why?
Is our response really needed? Is the other person at least thankful to us for correcting him or he is considering it some kind of debate and wants to show us down in public? If we doubt his intentions, why to debate in the first place? Why to waste our energy? There are two reasons for not responding. First is if the person has bad intentions, whatever you may say, he will keep opposing you and second is who has said that I am right all the times? Also have I taken a contract to keep on improving people? Do I get money for it? When whole world is running behind money, why should I keep wasting energy in trying to correct the people when they even don't have curtsy to thank or thank in mind at least?
If what I am trying to convey is science and laws of nature, the other person will have to understand it one day. I am trying to speed up his development but what if he refuses to budge. The best way would be to document it only once that I was trying to help but the help was refused. Trying to help beyond that is a madness.
This social media and internet is somewhere responsible for the anxiety we feel. Hence limiting its use is one of the best solutions to get mental peace at least when we are stressed too much. The benefit of social media and internet is that we can communicate with anyone very easily but the downside is that anyone can communicate and then control us also very easily. Many a times we are also not aware who is controlling us and why and we give our freedom willingly in the hands of other people.