
Monday, April 9, 2018

Protecting Human Research Participants - Course completion certificate

Dear All, 

I am very happy to share that I have completed the course of "Protecting Human Research
Participants" offered by The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Extramural
Research, US.

The certificate can be found at following link: Link of the certificate

- Dr. Abhijeet Safai

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Importance of having a goal in life

It is extremely important to have some aim / goal in life. Without aim, the life becomes boring and our actions can even become destructive ourselves. We need not keep a very big aim always. Even a short, temporary goal will also do. But we need to make sure that we are following some aim all the time. It is also fine if we get failure while chasing it, but aimlessness is a very dangerous state of mind which needs to be handled very carefully.   

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Thanks a lot Ghooi sir for sharing this video!

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Only a human can!

We can further eat even if we are full. This only a human can do. Animals eat when they are hungry and then they stop as they are full. They have inborn understanding of when to stop eating. We too have this inborn sense. But we can neglect the real hunger and can modify our behavior at our will. This seems the real problem. As we 'can' eat more even if not needed, we do it sometimes and that can lead to increased weight. 

But this need not be looked with pessimism. This ability to control our behavior presents new opportunities as it presents threats. Because having ability to control our behavior means that we can remain hungry at will as well. Which an animal can't do. So remaining hungry even when our body is demanding food is something which only a human can! 

Saturday, March 24, 2018

बारूद जब बच्चा था

बारूद जब बच्चा था तब तितली पकड़ता था
वो अमिया भी चुराता था, पतंगों पर झगड़ता था
तुम उसका मांझा भी लूटते वो कुछ नही कहता
थोड़ा नाराज तो होता मगर फिर भी वो खुश रहता
मगर धोखे से तुमने उसका बचपन भी तो लूटा है
जरा देखो तो उसकी आंख में वो कब से रूठा है
जुगनुओं की रोशनी में दिल लगाने दो उसे
धूप के सिक्के उठा के गुनगुनाने दो उसे
बैगनी कंचे हथेली पर सजाने दो उसे

भोली भाली रहने दो, जिंदगी को बहने दो
बहुत जल्दी दुपट्टे ओढ़ना सिखला रहे हैं हम
क्यों जिंदगी को रात से मिलवा रहे हैं हम
वो पल्लू से चिपककर मां की चलती थी तो अच्छी थी
अकेले छोड़कर उसको क्या कहना चाह रहे है हम
एक गहरी नींद से जगाने दो उसे
धूप के सिक्के उठाके गुनगुनाने दो उसे
बैगनी कंचे हथेली पर सजाने दो उसे
भोली भाली रहने दो, जिंदगी को बहने दो
बारूद जब बच्चा था तब तितली पकड़ता था।

- Prasoon Joshi

Thursday, March 22, 2018