
Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Skulls and Roses

First of all thank you Vijay Ambolkar for sharing his Amazon Prime Video's account details with me so that I could see this show by Raghu and Rajiv. I am following Raghu since long and after watching art created by him, one feels a strange kind of confidence and nice feeling about themselves. It's difficult to express. I have always felt confident after seeing each episode of Roadies. 

Reading his autobiography is an empowering experience. What a person can do with his talent and hard work is visible in that autobiography. I am highly inspired by this greatly talented person. 

I just love the tasks he creates. I can see exact replica of real life situations in the tasks and the politics in the shows and also the learning one gains during his shows is real and useful in life while living day to day life. 

Everyone wants to be a hero of his life and Raghu brings out this hero in you. There are many things which he might not share directly about the show and one has to find out these connections. That is also a great creativity of his where one has to apply their own talent to find out the talent in his show. In short he is amazing!

Monday, September 2, 2019

Little hypoglycemia is okay for me!

This can become a controversial post but I do not want this to become one. Hence clarifying some points in the beginning. I am using a medical term here and I am fully aware of it. This post is not for people who are not mentally of physically ready to face the consequences of hypoglycemia. I mean hypoglycemia can be a serious condition and people can faint and might need immediate medical attention.

The title should be read as (While reducing weight) little hypoglycemia is okay for me! This post should be read in continuation of the previous post where I am sharing my thoughts / experiences while reducing weight. But for those who have not read my previous post, I would like to share in brief what it is all about. I am trying to reduce weight and documenting my thoughts during this process. I am doing it for me. I am in the correct mindset of weight reduction now and I do not remain so all the times. These posts are a reminder to me if I forget what my thoughts were when I was in the right mindset for weight reduction. But why not to let others benefit from my thoughts if they can be is the thought behind writing these posts. 

After following Dr. Jagannath Dixit for long time on YouTube, I found that his inspiration is Dr. Shreekant Jichkar so I found about him and found some of his talks. He has explained very well that unless there will be some hypoglycemia, glucagon cannot be released and this glucagon is natural fat burning hormone! So hypoglycemia means we are in the process of burning fat. 

Hypoglycemia makes you feel a little dizzy and weak. One also feels little irritation at the level of mind and I feel that I am easily provocated with little stimulus. Its also difficult to concentrate for sometime and I find difficulty in sleeping if I have not eaten anything. 

The list can be increased and there are other symptoms as well. But what I want to point out here is that I am ready to face all these things because I know that I am reducing weight and little discomfort is okay. How much discomfort is little and how much of it is too much is very subjective. It is not easy to define.

I feel happy now a days when there is little hypoglycemia. Because I am aware that now glucagon has started its function. Its visible to me on weighing scale as well. 

I would request readers to not to misunderstand me. I am nowhere saying that one has to do these experiments on their own by reading this blog. I am also not saying that consultation of nutritionist and physicians is not needed. It is very well needed and it must be taken whenever needed. 

I am just documenting my experiences / thoughts when I am in a very positive state of mind. Because I do not remain always in this positive state of mind. I lose control many times and then I eat whatever I want and whatever quantity I want but after eating I say again to myself - "I will try again to win this temptation to overeat." Yes, let me confess that I overeat. In fact many of us do overeat and overeating has become a culture now.  But it is injurious to health and at least when it is injurious I mean when it has gone to proportions when it is injurious, then at least we should stop or should try to control overeating. 

The consequences of obesity are so much dreadful that I am happy to have little hypoglycemia now!